Billing issues
In order to easily compare the charges for the commercially available electricity and natural gas rate-products in the Greek retail market, you can use RAAEY’s Price Comparison Tool, at:
§ The Price Comparison Tool was created by RAAEY to offer consumers the opportunity to list and compare, in a clear and comprehendible way, the total cost of charges for the offered energy rate-products, as well as the cost of regulated charges related to energy consumption.
§ For electricity rate-products in particular, you can also see the full list of all currently available tariffs of all Suppliers and the corresponding color markings on RAAEY’s website at:
In case you have a problem with the consumption charges, regulated charges, or any other issue related to your bill or the provision of services you receive from the Electricity or Natural Gas Supplier and the respective Distribution Network Operator, you can submit a complaint through the platform: that RAAEY has created for this purpose.
§ On the MyRAE platform you can log in easily and quickly, either through your existing social media accounts or through a simple registration. The complaint you submit to MyRAE is automatically forwarded to the Supplier or Network Operator you address it to, while the system keeps RAAEY informed regarding the details and progress of your request, so that it can intervene if necessary.
§ After the completion of your complaint’s examination process by the company to which you addressed it, and in case you are not satisfied with the solutions provided to you by them, the system offers the option -to household consumers only- to use the Energy Ombudsman services offered free of charge through the ENOMOS (Energy Ombudsman operating System) platform at:
§ ENOMOS is RAAEY’s platform through which Alternative Dispute Resolution services in the energy sector are provided to consumers. The process is managed by a team of experts who undertake the mediation between the consumer and the Energy Provider. All energy intermediation services are provided free of charge to consumers.
§ In order to request mediation services on a matter that concerns you, you must first have filed your complaint with the Supplier or Network Operator through the MyRAE application. If you do not receive a satisfactory response to your request or complaint from the above procedure, you can then proceed to apply for the initiation of the energy mediation services process. These services are offered with the provision that you have not addressed the courts or any other dispute resolution body prior to your application to the ENOMOS platform.
RAAEY has created a network of digital services to inform and empower consumers. These include:
§ Submission of Complaints to Suppliers & Network Operators
§ Energy Ombudsman Service
§ Electricity Supply Tariffs
§ Price Comparison tool for electricity and gas supply tariffs
§ Price Comparison tool electric vehicles charging
§ Electricity Cost Calculator
§ Energy Saving Guide for Buildings
§ Confidential Provision of Information – Whistleblowing
You can find all the digital services offered to consumers by RAAEY on the Digital Services section of our website at:
Electricity Network Access
As an energy household or business consumer you have the right to access electricity through the nationwide electricity distribution network. The competent body to provide access to the distribution network is the Hellenic Distribution System Operator (HEDNO). If your property is located within the Athens International Airport, the competent authority is the Athens International Airport’s Grid Manager (EGM).
To exercise your right to access electricity:
- Your property to be connected to the distribution network (this connection may need to be constructed, modified or simply activated) and
- An electricity supply contract must be concluded and remain in force with an Electricity Supplier of your choice.
If you belong to the Small Customers’ category (household consumers as well as non-household consumers with a connection supply capacity of up to 25 kVA), the obligation to conclude a supply contract can be met through the universal service, in case your previous supply contract expired or was terminated, or if you cannot conclude a new supply contract with a Supplier of your choice or if choose not to exercise your right to choose a Supplier.
As a consumer connected to the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network, your rights and obligations are regulated by the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Code, and the network access issues are outlined in the relevant Manuals and their implementation instructions.
In case your property is not connected to the electricity distribution network, you must contact the Hellenic Distribution System Operator (HEDNO) for the initial connection to the network. The relevant procedure is implemented through the service points of the Network Operator (not available online) and it includes the following steps:
- Submission of an application form for a new connection to HEDNO and payment of the application fee
- Technical examination of the application by HEDNO and preparation of the financial terms (Connection Offer)
- Conclusion of the connection contract with HEDNO and payment of the connection fee.
- Construction of the connection by HEDNO
- Installation of a meter and activation of the connection (provided a Supply Contract with an Electricity Supplier is already concluded, and the latter has filed with HEDNO an activation request for your connection).
Further information about the process for the initial connection to the distribution network can be acquired at the service points, as well as through the call center of HEDNO (tel. +30 211 190 0500 or 11500).
For your initial connection to the distribution network, HEDNO is bound to complete it from four (4) to sixty (60) working days, depending on the type of the connection and the needed works. This guaranteed service time does not include any delays attributed to conditions beyond the control of HEDNO. If the above deadline is not met, you are entitled to a financial compensation up to 80 € (160 € for medium voltage consumers). This compensation is paid by HEDNO through your Supplier, without any action on your part.
- If your property is connected to the distribution network, and you do not need any modification of the connection (for example, to increase or decrease the Supply Capacity), your contracted Supplier will request HEDNO to activate your connection and start supply you with electricity. Your Supplier will also inform you about any supporting documents required for the submission of the application to HEDNO.
- If your property is connected to the distribution network, but you require some modification (for example, to increase or decrease the Supply Capacity, to split or merge the electricity supply connections or to relocate the meter or the supply cable ), you should submit a request to HEDNO. More information about the relevant procedures and the required documents is available on HEDNO’s website.
- For the connection of your property to the Distribution Network (initial connection), as well as for any modification to an existing connection, you shall pay in advance the relevant charges to HEDNO. These charges typically include your contribution to the cost of the existing network, the cost of the new network built for your connection (connection point, extension, and reinforcement of the existing network), the cost of labor and materials for works in existing connections, and the cost of handling the connection application and drafting the connection offer. The fees are determined by HEDNO based on objective criteria, such as the level of connection voltage, the connection capacity, and the distance from the existing network. Fees may vary between geographical areas. Fee calculation methodologies and any related tariffs (unit charges) are approved by the regulator.
- For the use of the Distribution Network, you are charged separately, through the electricity supply bill issued by your Supplier. This charge covers the operation and maintenance costs of the Distribution Network, as well as the capital costs of the network, after deducting the revenue obtained from the new connections of users. Depending on the category of consumers (i.e., whether you are a household or business consumer), and the voltage level to which your property is connected (medium or low voltage), your charge depends on the power consumption, the capacity of your connection, or the power absorbed from the network during its peak hours. The tariff methodology for the use of the distribution network, as well as the relevant tariffs (unit charges), are approved by the regulator. The bills issued by Suppliers on a monthly or bi-monthly basis may include a charge for the use of the Distribution Network based on estimated consumption. This charge is recalculated and cleared after measuring your actual consumption (every 4 months for household consumers).
- Law 4001/2011
- Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Code (unofficial codified version)
- Participation in the expenses for the connection with the Distribution network.
- Regulated tariffs for the use of the distribution system
Natural Gas Network Access
As a natural gas household or business consumer, you have the right to access natural gas through your local gas distribution network. At present, the natural gas network has not been developed throughout the country, although significant effort is currently being made towards its expansion.
The competent body to provide access to the natural gas network is the Operator of the natural gas network in the area that you are located.
To access the natural gas network, the following is needed:
- The presence of a distribution network in your area
- The presence of the network on the street of your property
- The connection of your property (i.e. the construction of the connection point and the installation of a meter) to the distribution network through the conclusion of a Connection Agreement with the competent distribution network operator.
- To activate your connection by concluding a Natural Gas Supply Contract with a natural gas supplier of your choice.
As a natural gas consumer, your rights and obligations regarding the connection to the distribution network of your area, are regulated by the provisions of the Distribution Network Operation Code ( and the Standard Distribution Network Connection Agreement.
In case your property is not connected to the distribution network you should:
- Be informed if there is a natural gas distribution network in your area
- Contact the Operator of the relevant distribution network, and be informed if there is a natural gas distribution network available on the road where your property is located. The Operator is obliged to provide information regarding the existing distribution network on its website.
- Apply to the distribution network Operator. The relevant application form is also available on the distribution network Operator’s website. This procedure can be conducted either through the Operator’s service points, by phone or online.
- The distribution network operator must respond to your request within 21 working days.
- In case there is no natural gas distribution network on your street, the Operator informs you that the connection cannot be made. The Operator will inform you about the time that the construction of network on your street is expected, provided this is included in the Operator’s plan. The Operator will also inform you about the possibility of connecting through an extension of the network, if this is technically feasible and cost effective, at an additional cost, which is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The Operator must consider the connection request that you have submitted in any future planning of the distribution network extensions.
- If a distribution network has been developed on the street where your property is located, the Operator evaluates technically your application and sends you a Connection Offer. This offer is valid for 30 calendar days. The Connection Offer includes the Connection Agreement.
- After signing the Connection Agreement, the Operator shall install the meter and complete your connection to the network within 60 calendar days from the day you have signed the Connection Agreement.
- From the moment the meter is installed, to activate the gas supply, you must have concluded a Supply Contract with a supplier of your choice. The Operator is not entitled to propose any Supplier to you.
Information about the initial connection process to the natural gas distribution networks is also available on the websites of the distribution network Operators and at their service points.
- In case your property is already connected to the distribution network, you are entitled to choose a Gas Supplier and conclude a Natural Gas Supply Contract.
- Your contracted supplier will submit a request to the network operator to represent your meter and start suppling gas to you, including the activation of your connection, if required. Your supplier will inform you about the required documents that you will need to provide for the supplier to be able to submit the application to the relevant network Operator.
- In case your property is connected to the distribution network, but you wish some modification (e.g. change of the connection’s capacity, merge or split a connection, relocate the meter or the supply cable), you shall submit a relevant request to the Network Operator. More information about the procedures and the required documents is available on the websites of the distribution network operators.
- For the initial connection of your property to the network as well as for any modifications to an existing connection, you shall pay in advance the relevant fee to the network Operator. The fee for the initial connection (Connection Fees) mainly concern the cost of the meter as well as the cost of the natural gas supply pipeline that connects the property with the distribution network. The tariff calculation methodologies, and any other relevant fees (Auxiliary Services), are approved by the regulator. You may find the relevant fees posted on the website of each Operator.
- For the use of the Distribution Network, you are charged separately, through the natural gas bill issued by your Supplier. This charge covers the operation and maintenance costs of the Distribution Network, as well as the capital cost of the network, after deducting the revenue obtained from the new connections of users. Your charge depends on the consumed natural gas, the capacity of your connection and the consumer category that you belong to (i.e. if you are a household or professional consumer). The tariff methodology for the use of the distribution network as well as any related fees (unit charges) are approved by the regulator. Bills issued by suppliers on a monthly or bi-monthly basis may include a charge for the use of the Distribution Network based on estimated consumption. This charge is recalculated and cleared after measuring your actual consumption.
- Law 4001/2011
- Natural gas Supply Code to Customers
- Distribution Code
- Standard Connection Agreement
The competent Operator for the region of Attica is EDA Attica.
Network access tariffs (unit charges) of the Attica Distribution Network (
Ancillary Services of Attica
The competent Operator for the region of Thessaloniki is EDA Thessalonikis.
Network access tariffs (unit charges) of the Thessaloniki Distribution Network (
Ancillary Services of Thessaloniki
The competent Operator for the region of Thessaly is EDA Thessalonikis.
Network access tariffs (unit charges) of the Thessaly Distribution Network (
Ancillary Services of Thessaly
Central Greece
For the areas of Lamia, Chalkida, Thebes, Livadia, Amfissa and Karpenisi the competent Operator. is DEDA
Network access tariffs (unit charges) of the Distribution Network of Central Greece
Ancillary Services of the Distribution Network of Central Greece
Central Macedonia
For the areas of Katerini, Serres, Kilkis, Veria, Giannitsa and Alexandria the competent Operator is DEDA.
Network access tariffs (unit charges) of the Distribution Network of Central Macedonia
Ancillary Services of the Distribution Network of Central Macedonia
Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
For the areas of Alexandroupolis, Komotini, Drama, Xanthi, Orestiada and Kavala the competent Operator is DEDA
Network access tariffs (unit charges) of the Distribution Network of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Ancillary Services of the Distribution Network of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Residential Social Tariff (KOT)
The Social Residential Tariff (KOT) is a special electricity tariff, which is provided by all electricity suppliers according to the relevant decisions of the Minister for Energy, granted for the protection of vulnerable consumers’ groups. Its implementation started in 2011, pursuant to the Ministerial Decision Δ5-ΗΛ/Β/Φ29/16027/6.8.10, and it was subsequently amended by the Ministerial Decisions Δ5-ΗΛ/Β/Φ29/6713/24.3.11, Δ5-ΗΛ/Β/Φ1.20/ οικ.878/17.1.13, Δ5/ΗΛ/Β/Φ29/οικ.21235/20.11.13, Δ5/ΗΛ/Β/Φ29/οικ.23823/23.12.2013, Δ5/ΗΛ/Β/Φ.29/οικ.10205/12.6.14 and ΥΠΕΝ/ΥΠΡΓ/892/152/08.01.2018. The Social Residential Tariff is granted to low-income individuals, parents with three children, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities and people need of life support using medical devices at home. By Ministerial Decision No. Δ5 / ΗΛ / Β / Φ.29 / οικ.10205 / 12.6.14, the short-term unemployed were added to the beneficiaries, as well as the households disconnected from the network because of unpaid depts. The Social Residential Tariff is provided strictly for electricity consumed at the principle residence of the beneficiary, as this is included in the statement of income tax on an annual basis, whereas the price of the Social Residential Tariff is the same across all electricity suppliers.
The cost of the Social Residential Tariff is covered by the Public Service Obligation (PSO) levies that are included in the electricity bills and are charged to the rest of the consumers, as the Social Residential Tariff beneficiaries are exempted from this charge.
For any consumer to be included in Social Residential Tariff, the following conditions need to apply:
- The electricity consumed covers the needs of the beneficiary’s principle residence.
- The electricity meter in registered either under the beneficiary’s name or that of his/her legal partner.
- The electricity consumption is at least 200 kWh per 4 months and does not exceed the maximum consumption thershold set for his/her Residential Social Tariff category. Any consumption during nighttime does not count towards the above thresholds, with the exemption of the Z’ (7th) KOT category.
- To fulfill the conditions of at least one of the following consumer categories based on the latest statement of income tax payable.
Applications to join the Social Residential Tariff are submitted online via the special section of the IDIKA website (
A requirement for the submission of the application is the electricity bill to be issued either in the applicant’s or his/her spouse’s name.
Everyone included in the Social Residential Tariff, following their application submitted to IDIKA SA, is required to re-submit an application once a year, within one (1) month from the expiry of the deadline, set in the applicable provisions or extended in any way, for the filing of income tax declarations for natural persons. In this case the inclusion requirements for the Social Residential Tariff are reviewed.
The beneficiaries of the Social Residential Tariff must satisfy the following requirements for each category:
a) CATEGORY A – Social Residential Tariff Beneficiaries:
The discount beneficiaries of the Social Residential Tariff Category Α must satisfy all income, property and residence criteria of article 235, Law 4389/2016 (Α 94) and the decision, delegated under its article 6, of the Ministries of Finance, Interior Affairs, Administrative Reconstruction and Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, No Γ.Δ.5οικ.2961-10/24.1.2017 (Β 128), on the “Determination of the terms and conditions for the application of the Social Solidarity Income program”, as each time in force.
b) CATEGORY B – Social Residential Tariff Beneficiaries:
The discount beneficiaries of the Social Residential Tariff Category B must satisfy the following criteria:
aa) Based on the definitions of article 2, decision No Γ.Δ.5 οικ.2961-10/24.1.2017 on the “Determination of the terms and conditions for the application of the Social Solidarity Income program”, the beneficiaries and their household members should have an annual total real (taxable, specific individualized taxable or specially taxed or tax-exempt ) or presumptive income as shown in the last cleared income tax declarations of the household members for which the filing deadline, either set in the applicable provision or extended in any way, has expired, up to the limits of the following table:
Household composition based on the definitions of article 2, decision No Γ.Δ.5 οικ.2961-10/24.1.2017 on the ““Determination of the terms and conditions for the application of the Social Solidarity Income program” | Income threshold |
Single-member household | EUR 9,000
Household consisting of two adults or a single-parent family with one underage member | EUR 13,500
Household consisting of two adults and one underage member or a single-parent family with two underage members | EUR 15,750
Household consisting of three adults or two adults and two underage members or a single-parent family with three underage members | EUR 18,000
Household consisting of three adults and one underage member or two adults and three underage members or a single-parent family with four underage members | EUR 24,750
Household consisting of four adults or two adults and four underage members or a single-parent family with five underage members | EUR 27,000
For a household including a member or members with over sixty seven percent (67%) disability, the above income thresholds increase by EUR eight thousand (8,000).
For a household including a member or members in need of life support using medical devices at home, the above income thresholds increase by EUR fifteen thousand (15,000).
For any additional adult member, the amount of EUR 4,500 is added and for any additional underage member, the amount of EUR 2,250, up to the total of EUR 31,500, irrespective of the number of household members.
The highest threshold of the above section increases by EUR 8,000 for a household including a member or members with over sixty seven percent (67%) disability, and by EUR 15,000 for households including a member or members in need of life support using medical devices at home.
bb) Based on the definitions of article 2, decision No Γ.Δ. 5 οικ.2961-10/24.1.2017 on the “Determination of the terms and conditions for the application of the Social Solidarity Income program”, the beneficiaries and their household members should have property in Greece or abroad of a total taxable value, based on the calculation of the Single Property Tax (ENFIA) shown in the last tax determination act, up to the amount of EUR 120,000 for single-member households, increased by EUR 15,000 for each additional member, up to the highest limit of EUR 18,000.
cc) Their household members should not fall under the luxury tax provisions and not declare living expenses for the payment of fees of yacht crews, fees for private schools and domestic helpers, car drivers, teachers and other personnel, based on the last cleared tax income declarations of the household members for which the filing deadline set in the applicable provisions or extended in any way has expired.
The discounts of the following Table are the Social Residential Tariff discounts:
Discount on the electricity supply charge in €/kWh | Social Residential Tariff Category A | Social Residential Tariff Category Β |
0.075 | 0.045 |
The above discount applies in the supply charge for the daily consumption of the electricity provider.
For the rest, the charges of the supplier’s applicable residential tariff and the regulated charges imposed by the applicable law on the residential customers apply, with the reservation of the more specific provisions related to the exemption of the Social Residential Tariff from part or all of certain categories of regulated charges.
Especially the Category A Social Residential Tariff beneficiaries are also fully exempted from use-of-system and use-of-network charges for electricity consumption within their quarterly consumption thresholds.
The Social Residential Tariff is applied for the part of the quarterly consumption up to the consumption threshold, provided:
the electricity consumption covers the needs of the beneficiary’s principle residence;
the consumption is higher than or equal to 200kWh per four months;
the total quarterly consumption (120-day daily consumption) based on actual readings does not exceed the consumption thresholds, as set for each beneficiary. If these quarterly consumption thresholds are exceeded:
aa) for over 10% excess, and provided the average quarterly consumption on an annual rolling basis, based on actual readings, exceeds the consumption thresholds set for each beneficiary, the Social Residential Tariff does not apply for the specific quarterly period;
bb) for over 10% excess, provided the average quarterly consumption on an annual rolling basis does not exceed the consumption thresholds set for each beneficiary or for up to 10% excess, the Social Residential Tariff applies for the consumption within the set thresholds and the Supplier’s applicable residential tariff applies for the excess consumption according to the scales of total consumption.
In order to calculate the excess of the consumption limits of each category of beneficiaries, the electricity consumption of night tariff is not taken into account.
In the case of a Social Residential Tariff beneficiary with a night electricity consumption meter:
aaa) If the sum of the day and night consumption lies within the daily consumption thresholds of the beneficiary, the Social Residential Tariff discount applies for the night consumption as well as the exemptions from the regulated charges of the Social Residential Tariff and the night tariff.
bbb) If the sum of the day and night consumption exceeds the daily consumption thresholds of article 2, the Social Responsibility Tariff discount and the exemptions from the regulated charges of the Social Residential Tariff and the night tariff apply for the night consumption within the above limits and the excess night consumption is charged with the Supplier’s applicable residential night tariff using the scales of total consumption.
To apply the Social Residential Tariff discount on the night consumption, according to the above, the supply charge for the day consumption of the Supplier is taken as electricity supply charge.
If the consumption is less than 200 kWh on a quarterly basis, the Social Residential Tariff does not apply for the specific period.
Especially for the beneficiaries that are in need of life support or have a member/members of their household in need of life support, the Social Residential Tariff is used up to the thresholds of the beneficiary’s quarterly consumption irrespective of the consumption excess.
The limits of quarterly (120 days) consumption for Social Residential Tariff, categories A and B are the following:
Household composition based on the definitions of article 2, decision No Γ.Δ.5 οικ.2961-10/24.1.2017 on the “Determination of the terms and conditions for the application of the Social Solidarity Income program” | Thresholds of quarterly consumption |
Single-member household | 1,400 kWh |
Household consisting of two adults or a single-parent family with one underage member | 1,600 kWh |
Household consisting of two adults and one underage member or a single-parent family with two underage members | 1,700 kWh
Household consisting of three adults or two adults and two underage members or a single-parent family with three underage members | 1,800 kWh
Household consisting of three adults and one underage member or two adults and three underage members or a single-parent family with four underage members | 1,900 kWh |
Household consisting of four adults or two adults and four underage members or a single-parent family with five underage members | 2,000 kWh
For a household including a member or members with over sixty seven percent (67%) disability the above consumption thresholds increase by 300 kWh.
For a household including a member or members in need of life support using medical devices at home, the above consumption thresholds increase by 600 kWh.
For any additional adult member, 200 kWh are added in the consumption threshold and for any additional underage member, 100 kWh, up to the total of 2,400 kWh, irrespective of the number of household members.
The highest limit of the above section increases by 300 kWh for a household including a member or members with over sixty seven percent (67%) disability, and by 600 kWh for households including a member or members in need of life support using medical devices at home.