A basic precondition for the functioning of competition is access to electricity networks to be provided to users who want it (consumers and producers), transparently, without any discrimination and at reasonable prices. The concept of access includes, on the one hand, the connection of user facilities to electricity networks, and, on the other hand, the use of networks for the absorption or energy injected.
For the fulfillment of the above basic conditions, a framework of regulated access to the electricity transmission networks was established with the provisions of Law 4001/2011 (Gazette A’ 179/22.08.2011), This framework specifically ensures that they are approved by a RAE’s Decision and made public:
- The terms and conditions for user connection to the transmission networks, the way and the criteria for the calculation of the connection charges, as well as the unit charges (connection tariffs) for the calculation of these charges.
- The process and criteria for calculating the use charges of the transmission networks, as well as the parameters that are included in their calculation.
The minimum technical and operational specifications that must be met for the reliable and safe operation of ESMIE for the benefit of Users, as well as their facilities and machinery connected to ESMIE, are determined by the terms of the Association Agreement, in application of Section 5 of the Reissue of the Management Code of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System (Gazette B’ 4658/22.10.2020 (in Greek)).
It is noted that in this section of the Code, the Regulations (EU) 2016/631 (RfG), 2016/1388 (DCC) and 2016/1447 (HVDC) are mentioned and the respective Decisions of RAE provided by them 1165/2020 (Gazette B’ 3757/2020 (in Greek)), 1166/2020 (Gazette B’ 3698/2020 (in Greek)) and 1167/2020 2018 (Gazette Β’ 3762/2020).
In this section the acts of the regulatory bodies as well as other information and data regarding the implementation and application of the above framework regarding the connection of users in the transmission networks are published. More specific issues concerning RES penetration and the saturation of networks are included in a separate section.