
Regulatory Framework

A new framework for the support of RES was established (Law 4414/2016, Gazette A’149) in 2016. This framework aims at the harmonization with the “Energy and Environmental State aid guidelines (2014-2020)”[ 1] and the gradual integration and participation of RES and HECHP power plants in the electricity market in the most cost-effective way for the society and the end consumers.
Law 4414/2016 incorporated the new elements into the domestic RES market, which are mainly the following:
• RES Support was established based on Operating Aid in the form of a Differential Compensation Price (Sliding Premium), in addition to the price that RES receive from their participation in the Market up to an upper threshold which is the Reference Tariff (RT).
• By using a typical project per RES technology in terms of construction and operation costs as well as its Capacity Factor, the Reference Tariff (RT) was determined per category based on a reasonable return on invested funds. According to the new law, additional capital support within the framework of National Development Investment Programs will be taken into account using a specific impairment methodology to avoid over-compensation of the projects. Finally, existing stations will be able to voluntarily switch to the new operating support and market participation regime.
• In the spirit of the “Energy and Environmental State aid guidelines (2014-2020)” from 01.01.2017 the Reference Tariff for the mature technologies of wind and photovoltaic plants is determined through a competitive process, with the aim of reducing the costs for consumers and currently only those plants that are successful in the process will receive operational support.
Finally, it should be noted that for the first time the RES producers who receive a sliding premium, were obligated to participate in the market mechanisms either voluntarily or through RES aggregators, while DAPEEP S.A. was appointed as the RES aggregator of the last resort. Furthermore, Law 4643/2019 (Gazette A’193) supplemented the framework of RES stations established by Law 4414/2016, enabling RES stations to participate directly in the wholesale electricity market and to be paid by the power mechanisms without receiving operating aid.

1.1 Regulation of Electricity Production Certificates from RES and CHP

Based on the relevant RAE decision, this Regulation applies to the granting, amendment, extension, renewal, transfer, merger, split, revocation and automatic termination of the validity of the Electricity Production Certificate from RES and CHP (Certificate) as well as the Electricity Production Certificate of Special RES and CHP Projects (Certificate of Special Projects) and the Production License. Applications for the granting of a Certificate or Certificate of Special Projects, as well as any other application referred to in the Regulation, are submitted through the Electronic Register of Electricity Production from RES and CHP (Electronic Register).

The Electronic Registry includes the certification of legal and natural persons, through an interface with the TAXISnet systems for their entry into the Electronic Registry, sharing and retrieval of the necessary supporting documents and data that must be submitted, the storage of the relevant data, and the development of an interface communication software to connect the Electronic Register with other electronic systems to obtain information where required. This process includes the interface with the GIS spatial data control system, the interface with the electronic system of DAPEEP SA, the interface with the Electronic Environmental Register, the interface with the electronic systems of the Network Operators (ADMIE SA, DEDDIE SA and Network Operator of the Athens International Airport, and the interface with the electronic systems of the institutions granting the Installation License and the Operation License.
The natural or legal persons who are legally incorporated and are based in a member state of the European Union, the European Economic Area and in countries of the Energy Community or in third countries, as long as a relevant right derives from bilateral agreement that the country has concluded with Greece or the European Union or they have legally established a branch in Greece have the right to submit an application for the granting of a Certificate or a Certificate of Special Projects, have natural or legal persons. The period for submitting the relevant applications are set between the first (1st) to the tenth (10th) day of February, June, October of each year. Applications are examined per cycle, subject to any more specific provisions of the current legislation.

You can find the full text of the Regulation here:

Regulation of Electricity Producer Certificates from RES and CHP

1.2 LAW NO. 4685/2020

Law 4685/2020 concerns the modernization of environmental legislation, the transposition into Greek legislation of Directives 2018/844 and 2019/692 of the European Parliament and of the Council and other provisions. It contains chapters for the simplification of environmental licensing (with amendments to Law 4014/2011), the RES licensing process, the management of protected areas, zones within protected areas, regulations for forest maps and residential densities; as well as for the amendment of Law 4122/2013 (A’42) on the adaptation of Greek legislation to the provisions of Directive 2018/844/EU of 30 May 2018 (L156/19.06.2018) “For the amendment of Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency”.
At the same time, there are funds for the incorporation into national law of Directive (EU) 2019/692 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 amending Directive 2009/73/EC on common rules for the internal market in natural gas, regulations of the Greek Land Registry, waste management issues. Finally, other provisions are included, among which are regulations regarding the Regulatory Authority for Energy, the Operator of RES and Guarantees of Origin, the network operator of the Greek Electricity Distribution Network, regulations on the participation of the Greek State in the Independent Power Transmission Operator, as well as on the transformation of the Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company S.A..

You can see the text of the law here:

Law 4685/2020

Information note from the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) regarding the licensing of Renewable Energy Sources projects for the Production of electricity.