RAE is tasked with the development and implementation of the rules of access to cross-border interconnections, including the relevant tariffs and the methodology of their calculation, the mechanism of allocation and release of capacity and management of congestion, as well as the provision of balancing services, the procedure for ADR settlement in implementation of the above, as well as any other necessary details. For this reason, RAE is seeking a relevant opinion from the competent Transmission System Operators. For this purpose, RAE cooperates with the regulatory authorities of other countries with which there is an interconnection.
RAE also monitors the publication of the necessary information by the Operators of the Transmission Systems and about the Interconnections, the operation of the Transmission Systems and the allocation of capacity to the interested parties and may request from the operators of the Transmission Systems any information related to the execution of their tasks while maintaining the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information. Within the framework of its competences, RAE cooperates with the competent authorities of the Member States, the Energy Community Contracting Parties, neighboring countries, as well as with bodies operating within the framework of the European Union, the Energy Community, and the Union for Mediterranean.