The Operator of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System prepares and publishes, on an annual basis, a Ten-Year Development Plan for the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System. It identifies all necessary projects which need to be either restored or constructed for the next 1 years, including all necessary projects for RES penetration, considering the following objectives:
Improving the level of security of supply and increasing the transmission capacity and stability limit of the Transmission System, as well as technological improvements.
The removal of technical limitations set by the operating limits of the Transmission System elements, and in particular its Cross-Zonal Transmission Restrictions.
The provision of direct priority access to the Transmission System to new Users, within the framework of the obligations to provide unhindered access to third parties in accordance with European Law.
Strengthening the transmission capacity of existing interconnections and the development of new interconnections.
The reduction of transmission losses at Transmission System.
You can see the process of submitting the Plan by the TSO for approval by RAE here: (note 1)
For each project included in the Development Plan, a technical description is included, which defines the basic elements of its design, as well as its implementation schedule. Also, in the context of monitoring the schedules that have been set, a progress report on the implementation of the projects is included and the reasons for any delays are analyzed.
You can also see the relevant Decision of RAE here: (note 2)
[1] In accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 94, 108 and 108a of Law 4001/2011 (Government Gazette A’ 179/2011) as applicable and in accordance with the provisions of Section 8, Part A of the Reissue of the Operation Code of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System, which was approved by RAE Decision 1412/2020 (Government Gazette B’ 4658/2020)
Procedure for submitting Development Plan by Transmission System Operator and approval by RAE:
Until December 31 of each year, the Transmission System Operator prepares a preliminary Development Plan for the period starting on January 1 of the following year. The draft Plan is put up for public consultation by the TSO for a period of one (1) month. Then, the TSO, considering the results of the consultation, makes appropriate amendments to the draft Plan, after which it is submitted to RAE until March 31.
RAE puts the submitted draft Plan for public consultation, in accordance with the current institutional framework, for a period of one (1) month. RAE evaluates and publishes the result of the consultation process on its website.
RAE, considering the results of the consultation, as well as the obligation of the TSO to ensure uninterrupted access to the System in the most economical, transparent and direct way and without discrimination between users, may impose to the TSO the amendments and additions to the draft Plan that he deems necessary, following a reasoned decision.
The TSO must prepare a final Plan considering the observations of RAE. The final draft Plan is resubmitted to RAE for approval. In the event of the Operator’s refusal to comply with the Authority’s observations, RAE issues the Plan with the necessary modifications at its discretion. RAE may determine deadlines regarding the implementation of the Plan, as well as penal clauses that are forfeited in favor of users in case of non-compliance with the deadlines.
Acts of RAE
- RAE Decision 1097/2019 (Gazette B’ 1048/2020(in Greek)) for the approval of 2019-2028 TYNDP
- RAE Decision 256/2018 (Gazette B’ 1570/2018(in Greek)) for the approval of 2018-2027 TYNDP
- RAE Decision 280/2016 (Gazette B’ 2534/2016) for the approval of 2017-2026 TYNDP
- RAE Decisions 560/2013 (Gazette B’ 3297/2013(in Greek)) and 77Α/2014 (Gazette B’ 556/2014(in Greek)) for the approval of 2014-2023 TYNDP