As determined by the institutional framework for the operation of the electricity market,[1] one of ADMIE’s obligations is the monitoring of the Transmission System’s performance with the aim of maintaining the availability of registered assets, the safety of the System and the quality of services that are provided.
For this purpose, ADMIE publishes on an annual basis the relevant performance report of the Transmission System, presenting specific statistical performance indicators. The report in question is prepared in accordance with RAE’s requirements, as set out in the text “Regulatory Guidelines for recording the Performance of the Transmission System”.
The systematic monitoring of Transmission System operating parameters constitutes a necessary procedure to ensure the security of supply and the proper operation of the Transmission System. Consequently, it is a critical component of the quality of supply to consumers and is inextricably linked to the efficiency of the operation of the competitive segments of the electricity market.
More specifically, the process of recording the performance of the Transmission System will allow:
– The monitoring of the operating parameters of the Transmission System in a transparent manner
– The overall recording of the situation of Transmission System’s Elements, as well as its evolution over time
– The creation of a reference base so that it is possible to monitor the relevant quantities over time
– The systematic analysis of cases of non-service to Users (producers and consumers) and the evaluation of priorities in matters of planning, development and maintenance
– The collection of data for the investigation of both parameters and their realistic values for the future design of incentive or penalty mechanisms in relation to the performance of the Transmission System
You can see ADMIE’s System Performance Data and Reports here:
[1] Law 4001/2011 Article 94 par.2