The management of congestion in the interconnections and the allocation of their transmission capacity, is governed by the principles of Regulation (EC) 2019/943 regarding the conditions of access to the network for cross-border exchanges of electricity.
The Transmission System Operator assigns transfer capacity on the connections for a time horizon of up to one (1) year to the interested parties. The allocation of transmission capacity to the interconnections, which is completed up to the day before the Allocation Day, is carried out through explicit auctions on an annual, weekly and daily basis. By November 1st of each year, the TSO shall submit to RAE draft terms and rules governing the auctions held for the allocation of transmission capacity to the interconnections in the following calendar year. The terms and rules are approved by RAE decision.
The available transmission capacity in the interconnections, which is assigned for commitment with the auctions on a long-term basis from one (1) month to one (1) year is determined by a decision of the RAE following a proposal by the TSO. With its decision, RAE may determine the maximum permitted share of commitment of the transmission capacity available in the auction by a beneficiary.
The Greek Transmission System includes connections with Albania (AL), North Macedonia (MK), Bulgaria (BG), Turkey (TR) and Italy (IT).
You can find the current auction rules on ADMIE website
Use of Income from Auctions
The income from the consideration paid for the commitment of transmission capacity in the interconnections, is credited to a Special Reserve Account maintained by ADMIE and used for purposes provided for by article 19 of Regulation 943/2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
You can find information on RAE’s Reports on the management of ADMIE’s Congestion Income below:
Reports Archive
- Έκθεση για τη διαχείριση εισοδήματος συμφόρησης 2021
- Απόφαση Διασυνδετικά ΡΑΕ 1058_2021
- ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ ΡΑΕ 178/2021_ΦΕΚ Β 1280/2021